12.4.9 : Rendu
- Tuesday, Mar 194:00 PM - 4:50 PM CET disponible An Introduction to OpenUSD [S62642]
- Aaron Luk, Director of Product Management, NVIDIA (developer of Omniverse)
- Harmonise all way of describing scenes : USD
- USD : data eco system for building world
- Composition Engine, Custom Schemas, Asset Resolvers and data abstraction, Hydra
- An HDF5 for Scenes
- Every file format can be matched to USD
- Designed to serve filmmacking worlflows
- Agnostic of every programming laguages
- Implement pipelines in the cloud
- JT (Siemens) USD compatible (but still some features to add)
- No need to load the whole scene to modify small details
- Read only subsections for instancing
- Itentifier naming rules
- Thursday, (4:00 PM - 4:50 PM CET) NVIDIA GPU Video Technologies: New Features, Improvements, and Cloud APIs [S61767]
- Abhijit Patait : Senior Director, Multimedia and AI, NVIDIA
- Slides
- Thursday, (4:00 PM - 4:50 PM CET) Dive Deep into Real-Time Neural Rendering on NVIDIA GPUs [S62046]
- Chaojian Li : Ph.D. Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology
- onggan Fu : Ph.D. Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Slides
- video cassée
- Thursday, (7:00 PM - 7:50 PM CET) Advances in Ray Tracing Developer Tools [S62398]
- Aurelio Reis : Director, Graphics Developer Tools, NVIDIA
- Slides
- Une impression de déjà vu