Chapter 13.2 : Publications
- Adaptive SIMD optimizations in particle-in-cell codes with fine-grain particle sorting , Arnaud Beck, Julien Dérouillat, Mathieu Lobet, Asma Farjallah, Francesco Massimo, Imen Zemzemi, Frédéric Perez, Tommaso Vinci, Mickael Grech.
- A deep neural network method for analyzing the CMS High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) events, G. Grasseau, Abhinav Kumar, Andrea Sartirana, Artur Lobanov, Florian Beaudette, Pierre Ouannes.
- Polynomial data compression for large-scale physics experiments, Pierre Aubert, Thomas Vuillaume, Gilles Maurin, Jean Jacquemier, Giovanni Lamanna, Nahid Emad.
- Data Analysis with SVD for Physical Expriments, Application to the Cherenkov Telescope Array, Pierre Aubert, Thomas Vuillaume, Florian Gaté, Gilles Maurin, Jean Jacquemier, Nahid Emad, Giovanni Lamanna.
- Floating-point profiling of ACTS using Verrou, Hadrien Grasland, David Chamont, François Févotte, Bruno Lathuilière.
- Deployment of a Matrix Element Method code for the ttH channel analysis on GPU's platform, G. Grasseau, F. Beaudette, A. Zabi, C. Martin Perez, A.Chiron, T. Strebler, G. Hautreux.
- The CTA production système for data-processing and MC simulation, Luisa Arrabito, Konrad Bernlöhr, Johan Bregeon, Paolo Cumani, Tarek Hassan, Andreas Haupt, Gernot Maier, Abelardo Moralejo, Nadine Neyroud, Federico Stagni and Andrei Tsaregorodtsev.